Southwestern Region 2009 Conference
Reviewer Invitation
All faculty and professionals are welcome to review papers for CCSC:SW.
If you signed up to review last year, the system will remember you,
but we ask that you confirm your information so that we know you are still
willing to perform this service.
To volunteer to be a reviewer, please register online at our
Reviewer Signup page.
This form will obtain reviewer contact information and a list of topic areas that
you wish to review.
Once the form is completed reviewers will be contacted via email with
reviewing assignments (3 papers maximum) after the paper submission deadline
(December 15).
When papers are ready for review, you will be sent an email with the web
address of your papers, and the electronic forms for your review results.
Reviewers who wish to examine a blank review form will find it at
Authors may wish to peruse the form, as well, in order to see how papers are
being scored.
Author Invitation
While acceptance of a paper will depend on the quality of the work as
submitted, the author of an accepted paper will have a few weeks after
acceptance to revise the submission slightly, especially in response
to reviewers' comments.
To enable blind peer review, we require two forms of your paper: one anonymous,
and another with standard attributions.
To submit a paper, please register online at
When you submit a paper electronically you also set a password so that you can
later view and update author and paper information.
You should feel free to submit your paper early, because you can update
your submission until the deadline.
Please format your paper according to the instructions at
Convert your paper to .pdf format, and upload both the anonymous
and attributed versions.
Accepted Papers
For papers accepted for publication we need the Microsoft Word .doc
file, and a copyright release.
Due to the requirements of our physical publication system, the final version
of the accepted paper must be
submitted as a Microsoft .doc file,
following the instructions at
- Here is the
author copyright release (pdf).
- Email the final .doc file to the Publications Chair, Stephanie E. August, at
updated 2009 April 15
Email webmaster