CCSC Business Model

The Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC) is an organization that aims to promote quality computer science education at the collegiate level, particularly in small colleges.

CCSC Business Model Overview:

  1. Membership Fees:
    • Individual Memberships: Annual fees from individual members, typically educators, students, and professionals in the field of computer science.
    • National Partners Programs: CCSC’s National Partners Program provides organizations exposure ranging from displaying a logo with a link to the organization (Associate Level and above), to reduced registration fees (Silver Level), to a display table, a partner slot at all Regional Conferences, and promotional material placed in conference packets (Gold Level and above), to a dedicated page on the CCSC website (Platinum Level).
  2. Conferences and Events:
    • Regional Conferences: Hosting multiple regional conferences each year where members can present research, share best practices, and network.
    • Workshops and Tutorials: Offering specialized workshops and tutorials at conferences for additional fees.
  3. Publications and Resources:
    • Journal Subscriptions: Providing access to academic journals and conference proceedings, either included with membership or at an additional cost.
  4. Sponsorships and Partnerships:
    • Corporate Sponsorships: Partnering with technology companies and educational institutions for sponsorships, which can include financial support for events, scholarships, or resources.
    • Grants and Donations: Applying for grants and seeking donations from foundations, corporations, and individuals to support specific initiatives or the overall mission.
  5. Community and Networking:
    • Special Interest Groups: Facilitating special interest groups (SIGs) within the organization that focus on specific areas of computer science, fostering community and shared learning.
    • Mentorship Programs: Implementing mentorship programs that connect experienced professionals with newcomers or students.

Revenue Streams:

  • Membership Dues: A primary source of revenue, collected annually from individuals and institutions.
  • Event Fees: Income from conference registrations, workshops, and tutorial fees.
  • Sponsorships: Financial contributions from corporate sponsors and partners.
  • Grants and Donations: Funds from grant applications and donations.
  • Publications: Sales of journals, proceedings, and other publications.
  • Merchandise: Revenue from selling branded merchandise and licensed content.

Cost Management:

  • Operational Efficiency: Streamlining administrative processes and utilizing technologies such as ConfTool, PayPal and Quickbooks to reduce costs.
  • Volunteer Involvement: Leveraging volunteers for organizing events, peer-review processes, and other activities. There are no staffing costs as all work within the organization is voluntary.
  • Partnerships: Collaborating with other organizations to share resources and reduce expenses.

This business model supports the CCSC’s mission to enhance computer science education by providing valuable resources, fostering professional development, and building a strong community of educators and practitioners.

For detailed information on sustainability see prior year tax forms at