Poster Contest
Submission Deadline: March 21, 2025
We are inviting all current college and university students to submit an abstract describing original research relevant to any computing topic. Authors of accepted abstracts will develop a poster presentation and present it live for judges and other conference attendees.
We will be holding a live and in-person poster competition this year! To see how you or your students can get in on the fun, read on.
Submission Procedures:
A one-page abstract (between 100 and 400 words) must be submitted via this web form by March 21, 2025. In your submission you must include the name and email address of a corresponding author who will be responsible for communication with the student poster chair before and during the competition. You must also list the names and email addresses of all other student co-authors and faculty mentors.
Posters do not need to be complete at the time that the abstract is submitted but must be complete by April 2, 2025 and submitted via email to the poster chair. After the competition, poster PDF’s will remain viewable for up to a year on the CCSC website.
Submissions will be accepted based on relevance to the conference.
For inspiration, please see last year’s submissions.
Rules and Judging Criteria for Poster Presentations:
Student work will be judged both by the content of the abstract, poster, and other materials (submitted before the contest) as well as their live presentation during the contest. All judging will be performed by professional computer scientists attending the conference. All judgments are final. Winners will be chosen based on scores provided by the judges. In the case of tied scores, ties will be broken by first considering only research quality scores, and if the tie remains judges will be asked to break the tie considering only the tied presentations. Additionally, presentations must conform to the following constraints:
- At least one student author must be registered for the conference and present during the poster presentation period.
- Presenters must make a PDF of their poster available to the poster competition chair at least one day prior to the competition.
- The top 3 undergraduate posters and the top graduate poster, as determined by the scores of the judges, will be recognized on the conference website.
- Judges will use the following criteria and weights to score responses:
- Research Quality (40%): Is the content of the work, as it relates to computing, substantial, engaging, and important? Is the work of high scientific and/or technical quality?
- Research Implications (30%): Is the work impactful to computing fields? Is the work impactful and valuable in ways that extend beyond computing? Are there clear lessons learned from the project?
- Presentation Artifacts (15%): Do the poster, abstract, or other materials (websites, handouts, etc) do well to convey the content of the work? Are they well organized and aesthetically pleasing?
- Live Presentation (15%): Do the students do well to present the content of the work live? Do they effectively summarize the project when approached (1-3 minutes)? Do they effectively answer questions and provide evidence of the depth of their work when asked?
- Only entries created by individuals who are undergraduates or by teams comprised entirely of undergraduates will be eligible for monetary prizes.
- The corresponding student author will receive any monetary prize for a placing poster and will be responsible for distributing this prize among the student co-authors.
Contestants must be registered individually and at least one student author must be registered and present during the competition. More information on registration may be found on the registration page.
Faculty Mentors:
Faculty mentors are encouraged to attend the conference but are not required to do so.
Please direct questions to the student poster chair, Joseph Kendall-Morwick (