

General Authors & Presenter

K-12 Attendees & Vendors

Student Attendees
Fri & Sat

Student Attendees

Friday Sessions & Vendor Displays

Friday Evening Banquet

Saturday Sessions & Vendor Displays

Student Poster Sessions

Saturday Luncheon

Poster Contest

CCSC Voting Privileges



Category Amount Late/On-site Amount
General Author/Presenter (including online presenters) $150*** $175
K-12 Author/Presenter $55*** $55
General Attendee $150 $175
Online-Only Attendee $100 $125
Retired Attendee $75**** $175****
K-12 Attendee $55 $55
Student Attendee (Friday & Saturday) – Includes participation in all student contests $70 $70
Student Attendee (Saturday only) – Includes participation in all student contests $30 $30
Vendor $135 $135
National Partner Vendor (platinum, gold, silver) $0  
National Partner Vendor (bronze, associate) $50
  • *Registration opens in January 2025. Early registration ends March 21, Late Online ends April 3, and Late On-site ends April 5.
  • **We cannot accept cash payments this year, sorry!
  • ***Presenters must register and pay before January 17th, 2025.
  • ****Must be 62 years of age or over, and retired from full time employment. Please contact our registrar, Ron McCleary, before registering.

Please note that cancellation requests must be made before the end of the early registration period. Regrettably, cancellations received after that date cannot be honored. The conference committee recognizes that sometimes last minute cancellations can’t be avoided due to weather, travel disruptions, and/or health issues. However, the conference incurs expenses for which it is liable based on registration counts during the early registration period. Therefore, no refunds are possible after early registration closes for any reason.

For any questions or difficulties you encounter when registering, please contact our registrar, Ron McCleary.

For any questions regarding the conference, please contact a committee member.