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2003 Conference
The 2003 Fifth Annual CCSC-NW Conference was held October 3 & 4, 2003 at Central Washington University.
Final Program
The final program for paper presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and other events.
Student Posters
Four student teams (9 students in all) entered the student poster session and competition.
Three vendors took part in the conference.
2003 Committee
Thanks to the following list of volunteers on the 2003 Conference Steering Committee.

2003 Vendors Participating

Thanks to the following three publisher representatives for displaying their products and sharing ideas with faculty participants during the 2003 conference.

Prentice Hall
Rep: Larry Armstrong at larry_armstrong@prenhall.com

Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Rep: Jacqueline Mark at jmark@jbpub.com

Brooks/Cole - Thomson Learning
Rep: Libby Blaker at libby.blaker@thomsonlearning.com