National Partner Levels and Benefits

10 Conferences

250+ Universities

1000+ Attendees

Conference dates and Conference Chair contact information can be found on the Conference Calendar. Typically, fall conference submissions are due from March to May with registration opening in May, while spring conference submissions are due mostly in November with registration opening in January. For more information about the program, contact Karina Assiter, CCSC National Partners Chair: A flier version of the table below can be downloaded here

To become a National Partner, please “register” at the CCSC Membership site which allows payment by credit card or PayPal. Please note that an account must be created first, then log into the account to register. Please fill in all the contact information fields in order to help us maintain our relationship with your organization. PayPal is used as the vendor that accepts either credit card or PayPal payments; a PayPal account is not needed. If you have any questions regarding payment, please contact Ed Lindoo, CCSC Treasurer, .


CCSC Website Recognition

Logo, link, and additional data

Logo and link

Logo and link

Logo and link

Vendor Conference Registration

Complimentary up to four representatives to all 10 conferences

Complimentary up to two representatives to all 10 conferences

Reduction of 50% vendor registration fee for all 10 conferences (two representatives)


Regional Conferences Vendor Tables

Two tables at all 10 conferences

One table at all 10 conferences



Conference Participation

Partner slot on conference program during one presentation session, up to 90 minutes

Partner slot on conference program during one presentation session, up to 45 minutes

Meals and Breaks

Access to all meals and breaks at 10 conferences for up to four representatives and recognition at conference meal

Access to all meals and breaks at 10 conferences for up to two representatives and recognition at the conference meal

Recognition at conference meal


Conference Packets Materials

Promotional materials in conference packets

Promotional materials in conference packets



Journal & Conference Program Recognition


CCSC Business Meeting at SIGCSE Recognition