Myungsook Klassen
The CCSC presented the 2018 CCSC Distinguished Service Award to Myungsook Klassen during the CCSC General Business meeting held on February 23, 2018. Professor Myungsook Klassen was the founding regional chair for the CCSC:Southwestern Region.

From left: Stephanie August, CCSC President Hala ElAarag. Stephanie August accepted the posthumous award on behalf of Myungsook Klassen.
Myungsook Klassen
Professor Myungsook Klassen was the founding regional chair for the CCSC:Southwestern Region and served as region chair up until 2013, when illness forced her to step down from the post. She also served as conference chair and her home institution, California Lutheran University, hosted the conference in 2010.
Dr. Klassen was professional, supportive, and encouraging to all of her colleagues, well organized in all CCSC meetings, and always willing to take the time to talk with her colleagues. As a role model, she touched and influenced many of her peers and junior colleagues. Myungsook was one of those “perfect” people – stylish dresser, punctual, proper, pleasant, knowledgeable, respectful, and delightful to know.
Myunksook, who was also the Director of the Computer Science Program at California Lutheran, was a tireless advocate for her students, an accomplished leader and organizer, and an influential mentor to a number of faculty members in the region. She would engage new faculty, listen to their concerns, and offer thoughtful advice. Also, she would go out of her way to create new opportunities for collaboration among the faculty on the regional board.
Without her organized leadership and encouraging attitude during the first six years, the CCSC:Southwestern Region would not exist.
Sadly, this honor is awarded posthumously. Dr. Klassen passed away due to gallbladder cancer in May 2015.
It is with great pleasure that we present the 2018 CCSC Distinguished Service Award to Myungsook Klassen. Her colleague Stephanie August will accept the award on her behalf today, and her husband Ron will accept it at the CCSC:SW conference next month at Harvey Mudd College.