First Annual
Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges
Southwestern Regional Conference

April 18 & 19, 2008

Conference Program

Keynote Jane Margolis, author of Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing, will give the keynote address. Dr. Margolis is a researcher at the Graduate School of Education and Information Systems at the University of California, Los Angeles. She received the 2005 Computing Research Association Nico Habermann Award for Diversity in Computing.
Sessions Papers on a variety of topics in computer science education will be presented, as well as published in The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges.
  • Python First: A Lab-based Introduction to Computer Science
  • Teach Scheme, Reach Java!
  • A Model to Integrate the Science of Design into Undergraduate Education
Panel Service Learning in Computer Science — Lori Chapman
includedBanquet, lunch, breaks
priceless...chatting with colleagues...

Important Dates:

Join us at CSU–Northridge

updated 2008 March 24 Email webmaster