Tutorials and Panels

Faculty are invited to submit a proposal for a panel, tutorial or workshop on a topic both related to computing sciences and likely to be of interest to attendees. These will be reviewed, although it will not be a blind review. Accepted abstracts will be published in The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges.

All tutorial and panel proposals should be sent by email to Tzu-Yi Chen at tzuyi@cs.pomona.edu, although online submission at www.cs.grinnell.edu/~ccsc/southwestern-2009/submission.shtml is also acceptable.

We need to receive the proposal on or before December 15, 2008.


In a panel session 3 or 4 experts (one of whom is the moderator) present their varied perspectives on a specific topic and then discuss those views both amongst themselves and with the audience.

The 2 page proposal should include:

  • the name, department, affiliation, and email address of the contact person
  • the name, department, and affiliation of all panelists, together with background information on each that is relevant to their role on the panel.
  • a description of the panel session, including both an overview of the topic and the specific viewpoint that each panelist will present.
  • Also please note which panelist will be the moderator.

    Tutorials and Workshops

    In a tutorial or workshop one or more experts give instruction on a topic of interest. This instruction could take the form of a lecture, it could involve using computers, it could require pen and paper exercises, and so on. The distinction we make between tutorials and workshops is primarily one of length: workshops are longer than tutorials and, for this conference, will last 2-3 hours.

    The 2 page proposal should include:

  • the name, department, affiliation, and email address of the contact person and of all other presenters.
  • a brief biography of the presenter(s) that addresses their qualifications for leading the workshop or tutorial.
  • a description of the tutorial or workshop
  • the intended audience
  • the expected length of the tutorial/workshop
  • A/V and computer requirements (both hardware and software).

  • updated 2008 December 2
    Email webmaster