The 14th CCSC Southwest Region Conference

March 26-27, 2021

All times are in the Pacific Time Zone.

Conference Program
Duration Start Time Description
Friday, March 26, 2021
20 minutes 3:30 pm Registration and virtual mingling
10 minutes 3:50 pm Welcome
60 minutes 4:00 pm Keynote - Pavel Pevzner, University of California San Diego
10 minutes 5:00 pm Break
30 minutes 5:10 pm Paper Session 1
10 minutes 5:40 pm Break
30 minutes 5:50 pm Lightning Talks
6:20 pm End of first day
Saturday, March 27, 2021
30 minutes 8:00 am Registration and virtual mingling
10 minutes 8:20 am Welcome
60 minutes 8:30 am Keynote: Mike Erlinger, NSF
10 minutes 9:30 am Break
60 minutes 9:40 am Paper Session 2
10 minutes 10:40 pm Break
70 minutes 10:50 am Tutorial: Russ Miller, SUNY-Buffalo and Malcolm Townsend, ZyBooks
60 minutes 12:00 pm Lunch
40 minutes 1:00 pm Birds of a Feather
10 minutes 1:40 pm Break
30 minutes 1:50 pm CCSC SW Business Meeting
10 minutes 2:20 pm Break
80 minutes 2:30 pm Tutorial: Laurie White, Google
3:50 pm Closing
4:05 pm End of second day

Thanks to our Sponsor:
Thanks to our National Partners:
- National Science Foundation
- Turing's Craft
Presented In-Cooperation with: