Paper Session I
Confidence and Competence: The Impact of National Cyber League Participation on Career Development in Cybersecurity
David Zeichick (California State University, Chico)
Enhancing Learning in CS Capstone courses through Advanced Project Matching
Barbara Martinez Neda, Jason Weber, Sergio Gago-Masague, Jennifer Wong-Ma (University of California Irvine)
Paper Session II
Investigation of Social Cognitive Factors Affecting Computing Transfer Students
Sherrene Bogle (1), Shebuti Rayana (2), Palvi Aggarwal (3), Xiwei Wang (4), Yun Wan (5), Claire MacDonald (3), Victor Diaz (1), Kay Vargas (1) (1: Cal Poly Humboldt; 2: SUNY-Old Westbury; 3: University of Texas El Paso; 4: North Eastern University of Illonois; 5: University of Houston Victoria)
Using Participatory Narrative Inquiry to Explore Cooperative Education in Computing Education
Sebastian Dziallas
(University of the Pacific)
Paper Session III
Rethinking Linear Algebra for Computer Science: Applying Vygotsky's theory of learning
Abbas Attarwala
(California State University, Chico)
Results of an Online Algorithms Course with Mastery Grading and Optional Oral Examination
Matthew Ferland
(University of Southern California)