While acceptance of a paper will depend on the quality of the work as
submitted, the author of an accepted paper will have a few weeks after
acceptance to revise the submission slightly, especially in response
to reviewers' comments.
To enable blind peer review, we require two versions of your paper: one anonymous version with
all the author identifying information removed, and another version with standard attributions.
To submit a paper, please go to the paper submission system at
When you submit a paper electronically, you also set a password so that you can
later view and update author and paper information.
You should feel free to submit your paper early, because you can update
your submission until the deadline.
Please format both versions of your paper according to the instructions at
Convert your paper to .pdf format, and upload both the anonymous
and attributed versions to the paper submission system.
If you have any questions regarding the paper submission and reviewing, please
contact our paper chair: Megan Thomas at mthomas@cs.csustan.edu
A printable [Call for Papers] is here.
Please distribute to others who might be interested.
Accepted Papers Final Submission Guidelines
For papers accepted for publication, follow the instructions below in submiting the
final set of materials. We need the final manuscript in
Microsoft Word format, and a completed copyright release form in PDF format.
Due to the requirements of our publication system, the final version
of the accepted paper must be submitted as a Microsoft doc or docx file
following the instructions at
- All authors must sign the Copyright Release Form.
The Copyright Release Form can be downloaded from
Each author should email a signed form for each paper.
- Please email both the final version of your paper in doc format and the
signed Copyright Release Form in PDF format to the Authors Chair,
Peter Gabrovsky, peterg@csun.edu. These must
be received by Jan 3, 2013.
If you have any questions regarding final submission, please
contact our Authors Chair: Peter Gabrovsky at peterg@csun.edu